How to get involved
Lending a hand: Parents involvement in the Willow Tree is one of key reasons we are able to offer such a creative and rich experience for children within a small setting. Since opening we have received support in so many ways- from the day to day workings of the kindergarten, to contributions of song, story or cooking at festivals, special visits, volunteering for forest school trips, design and art, carpentry and the sharing of an allotment space.
Keeping in Touch: We also appreciate our parents' ongoing commitment to ensuring we have positive and regular communications so that the children can receive the support they need. Our termly parents' evenings are also well attended- testament to the engagement of our families to stay well informed of what is happening at kindergarten and their desire to support the staff in the work they do.
Maintenance: There are termly workdays where adults and children come together to build, mend, garden, clean and polish. All hands on deck! Parents are primed with a plan for the workday enabling everyone to come prepared with appropriate tools, materials and ideas. These are always really great days for supporting the Kindergarten and getting to know the families of all the children better.
Fundraising: Throughout the year we hold fundraising community events: a summer fair, jumble and cake sales and music events. These are opportunities for parents and children to work together in whatever way they can, to raise money for the benefit of the Kindergarten. It is so positive for the children to see that our strength as a community can be effective and fun!
For parents wondering what they can bring to the Kindergarten, you can really help us by:
Offering your time to help pack away the kindergarten space during the week at the end of the session.
Bringing an activity for a kindergarten day: some music/singing, a craft activity or food for celebration.
Contributing to our Whitsun day by bringing a song in another language at ringtime.
Telling us what you are good at! If we know who has the skills, we know who to call if there's a job to be done.
Volunteering for forest trips.
Helping to organise fundraising events, either those already scheduled or bring ideas for other events.
Organising play dates outside Kindergarten to support children as they grow new friendships.
Becoming a Trustee (see below)
As a Trustee
The Willow Tree trustees are a group of volunteers who meet monthly, and have responsibility of the oversight of both the kindergartens. This comprises kindergarten finances, staffing, fundraising, management of the site and property and the creation/updating of kindergarten policies and more. They effect decisions that relate to the daily running of the kindergarten as well as the longer term vison for the setting.
The work of the Trustees includes continued research into premises and ways in which we can optimise on the current space we occupy, liaising with local groups and representatives. The work is shared between Trustees, and we are grateful for a variety of skills present in the group to aid with this ongoing development work.
If you are interested in joining as a trustee, please contact the Nicola Tapp on nicola@willowtreekindergarten.org.uk. All trustees are required to have an enhamnced DBS check.