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September News- Welcome back!

Dear Parents and Childminders

We hope that you have enjoyed a good summer break and that you are ready to come to kindergarten. We will be joined by several new families and let us welcome them into our Willow Tree family.

Please welcome our new starters, we have Polly who’s parents are Inga and Richard, Eva who’s parents are Jo and Paul, Sonny who’s parents are Lou and Bob, Jasmin who’s parents are Sarah and Matthew, Constance who’s parents are Vashti and Tom, and Enki who’s parents are Bella and Tom. Also joining us a bit later we will have Alma who’s parents are Emilie and Nick and Luca who’s parents are iulia and Alasdair.

I don’t have much news at the beginning of term but to follow up Inga’s note from her email with the parents handbook, we are in need of a volunteer for our Class Rep for this year. This is the lovely job of linking the families with the kindergarten, with an active role in collecting money for staff birthdays and getting presents and helping out with organising parent support for fundraisers.

Also another request for any one who is interested in becoming a trustee; meetings are once a month on a Monday evening with additional jobs ongoing. We need the trustees manage the running and sustaining of the kindergarten.

Please remember when coming back next week to bring a spare clothes bag, waterproofs, wellies, slippers and all your wonderful stories of summer adventures.

Dates for your diaries

5th September - please come and help clean and make kindi nice, from 10.00-12.00

From 6th September - returning children start

From 7th September - new children start

8th September - Work Day, please come prepared for building and gardening, we are going to make the garden lovely. This will start at 10.00 and end with a shared lunch at 1.00, jacket potatos will be provided but please bring fillings. We are inviting the neighbours in the afternoon to come and see the garden and enjoy some soup, with a tree planting ceremony at 4.30 to make up for the loss of the cherry tree.

26th September - Parents Evening, from 7.30-10.30, the theme is still to be decided but if there are any requests for information please ask.

29th September - Michaelmas, this is a celebration for everyone, it will be held on the Friday, Mother Earth will visit and we will bring her gifts of fruit, veg and autumnal finds to share in our celebration of coming together, details with timings will follow.

14th October - Swing night fundraiser at the academy, this will be great, dancing, pizza we will be asking for help selling tickets and setting up soon.

20th October – Breaking up for half term

Songs we will be singing in ringtime over the next couple of weeks

During ringtime we all come together to sing songs and play games, for your information and hopefully your enjoyment the main songs that we will be singing will be;

Oats and Beans and Barley Grow

Oats and beans and barley grow, Oats and beans and barley grow, Do you or I or anyone know how oats and beans and barley grow.

First the farmer plants the seeds, Stands up tall and takes his ease, Stamps his feet and claps his hands, And turns around to view his lands.

Oats and beans and barley grow, Oats and beans and barley grow, Do you or I or anyone know how oats and beans and barley grow.

Then the farmer watches the ground, Watches the sun shine all around, Stamps his feet and claps his hands, And turns around to view his lands.

Oats and beans and barley grow, Oats and beans and barley grow, Do you or I or anyone know how oats and beans and barley grow.

Your Friends Are My Friends

For your friends are my friends and my friends are your friends,

The more we get together the happier we’ll be.

There’s …… and ….. and….. and….

The more we get together the happier we’ll be

Shake Shake the Apple Tree

Shake shake the apple tree, apples red and rosy,

Shake shake the apple tree, apples red and rosy,

Some for you, some for me, shake shake the apple tree.

Blow blow the leaves away, windy windy weather Blow blow the leaves away, windy windy weather,

Blow them here, blow them there, blow blow the leaves away.

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Willow Tree Kindergarten

Ofsted Registration no. EY 403389/ EY 551362
Company no. 7032113
Charity Registration no. 1137361


Website by Tortie Rye

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